Q. I live in Jax Golf and my neighbor offered to sell my home for a small fee but he is not licensed. Is this legal?
A. No, not only is it illegal, it is a third degree felony with possible fines and or prison. Florida law is clear under chapter 475 of the Florida Statutes which states it is unlawful for any person to engage in the selling of real estate for compensation without a license. Unfortunately we see this more frequently when we have a hot market. I would suggest you take the time to interview a licensed broker who serves your market. You can check the status of any licensed professional in the state by visiting www.myfloridalicense.com. And with the recent passing of Tropical Storm Elsa, we are sure to see unlicensed contractors, roofers, etc. some out of the woodwork. Good luck.

Have a real estate question or need some sound advice? Call or text Phyllis Staines, Broker at (904) 476-7653.